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Upload...What I didn't say.

It was a real pleasure to meet Adam Crowther and the BBC Radio Bristol team for an 'In-depth' slot on the Upload show on 23rd May. But as I have a tendency to replay (and improve my part in) every conversation I've ever had...I drove home thinking about what I didn't say.

It wasn't that job interview feeling ('should have said, wish I'd said') as much as 'meant to say.'

Adam asked about tips for writers who wanted to perform. What I didn't say was this...

  • watch and learn from other writers - I have learned so much from others at writing events and story telling events down the years. First-timers and seasoned regulars alike. Watch, admire and analyse what worked and what elements can enhance your own performance. A strong voice, measured pace, flamboyance or understatement.

  • learn from other performers - go see poets, comedians, actors, theatre makers, improv crews, dance troupes, cheerleader squads, football choirs...hell, even radio hosts. View through a filter of transferable skills - diction, comic timing, emotional impact, rhythm and form.

  • upskill - do workshops, listen to seminars, go to conferences, do interpretive dance if you think you can apply some of that to your performance. I did some courses with The Natural Theatre Company (shout out to Daisy Douglas who leads play time like no other) - they were liberating and instructive and inspirational.

I will never be Morgan Freeman or Ashley Banjo or Edith Piaf or Russell Tovey or any of the people I have shared a stage with. But I can admire and learn from them all. I meant to say that.

You can listen to my in-depth chat with Adam Crowther interview here (at 1:10:15 - until late June 2023)


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