A dramatic turn of events...
I can’t write this blog for fear of gushing.
I’d gush about the Theatre and Performance Skills course I’ve just completed. I’d gush about the Natural Theatre Company. I knew I loved performing stories, I knew I wanted to be better and quite by chance I came across the NTC who made me laugh…in Bath…during the Summer. I signed-up, expectant – for 10 weeks.
I’d gush about our facilitator, play leader, oracle and spiritual carer – the brilliant and astonishing Daisy Douglas. A heady mix of encouragement, expert advice, pastoral care, support, direction, fun and shepherdessing. Daisy helped us play, learn, laugh, experiment and grow. A theatrical Yoda with off-the-scale people skills and occasional expletives. Bravo!
I’d gush about my fellow playmates. Thirteen complete strangers including me, not sure what we were doing, not sure where we were going. But trusting and giving – week after week. Brave as kittens – tentative and fearless in equal measure. Such warmth and generosity and joy in the discovery of things. Big hearts, a privilege to encounter.
I’d gush about a silent protest and a grey dress.
I’d gush that I learned more than I bargained for.
I’d gush red heart-shaped thanks to one and to all.
So, I can’t write this blog. It would be too gushy.
I’ll just tell the story in my Monday night tweets so you get the idea.
But before you read them – just to say you can do this too in Bath and Bristol.
New courses start in January 2020 – book now - you'll love it.
My request is that you tag @writingsett in your tweets, so I can read your gushes too.

Week 1
I loved it, but was a little shy.
No tweet.
Week 2
Monday evening.
Got drenched
Winked and got winked at
Jumped up and down
Gave birth to a Raven
A lovely band of jumpers and winkers we are too
Week 3
Monday evening
Was a toilet lid
Was married in Chile 10 years ago
Got lucky in a nightclub
And went boing wahaay with my Sid...in Waitrose
Dark nights? Not on Mondays
Week 4
Monday evening
Tonight I was a strawberry, silly at that
Took a history lesson, sat next to the queen
Learned from my fellow players - in underpants, hats and gloves
Thinking about pictures, silence and...timing
Postcards - not just for holidays!
Week 5
Monday evening
Walked, stopped, started again
Saw an awesome troop of umbrellas
Got slow and tight knit in...walking, stopping, starting again
We’re allowed props
Then a break
Monday evening
No play
Only 7 more sleeps...
Week 6
Monday evening
A big and smiley 'hello playmates'
Learned about making pictures for the audience
Handed round a scarf until someone sneezed into it
Copped off with a lady in a Russian hat - small and not smiley as it happens
Good to be back...
Week 7
Monday evening
Played a part in National No Smiling Day
Loved the challenge and being part of an awesome team
Heard the phrase "Your breasts are important to us all"
Had to smile at that!
Oh...and they have a props room
Week 8
Monday evening...
Slapped thighs and pointed a bit
Heard some great ideas
Practising my lines before next week ‘a pair of tights please...large’
Week 9
Monday evening...
Did a lot of cleaning
Blew a whistle
Then did both of those with a wig on
You don't have to have a voice to make a statement...
Week 10
Monday evening...
The start of something much more than an end
Growth and learning new skills
Friendships and smiles
Playtime and dressing up
Thank you Daisy Douglas and Natural Theatre Company for creating such a bright and lovely thing